Ethiopia plans to ban imports of non-electric cars
Electricity | logistics | Mobility | SupplyChain | transport
By Ibrahima DIALLO
5 February 2024 / 14:39

A number of African countries are looking more seriously at green mobility issues for a variety of reasons. For Ethiopia, the mechanisms for implementing these types of transport could become a reality this year.

During the presentation of a half-yearly performance report to the Ethiopian Parliament a few days ago, Transport Minister Alemu Sime announced a forthcoming ban on the import of non-electric cars into the country.

This measure is part of the operationalization of green transport, a key element of the government's national logistics master plan. Alemu Sime also explains that it aims to alleviate the financial difficulties of the State, which is finding it increasingly difficult to import the fuel needed to cover demand.

Electric vehicle charging stations are also planned. However, the Minister has given no date for the ban's entry into force, nor has he specified whether vehicles in transit from outside the country will be affected.

Agence Ecofin




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