Air Sénégal to suspend flights to Barcelona, Marseille, Lyon, and Milan in January 2024
Competition | Difficulty Financial | Logistics | SupplyChain | Line suspension | Air Transport
By Ibrahima DIALLO
23 November 2023 / 10:57

With the aim of achieving financial equilibrium, Air Sénégal is pursuing its turnaround plan, gradually addressing the factors affecting its profitability.

Air Sénégal has decided to suspend its flights to Barcelona, Marseille, Lyon and Milan. The airline has announced that bookings for these European destinations served twice a week will no longer be available after mid-January 2024. However, it will maintain its service to Paris.

Facing stiff competition from carriers such as Vueling Airlines, Transavia, Neos, etc., Air Sénégal has closed several of its routes to Europe in recent months to limit operating costs, in line with its restructuring plan currently underway.

Barely after starting operations in 2019, the carrier has been hit hard by the effects of the Covid-19 health crisis. Its survival continues to depend on state subsidies.

As part of its restructuring program, the management team had announced the suspension of unprofitable lines that were compromising the company's financial performance.

Agence Ecofin




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