Transport: Morocco and Guinea renew their commitment to strengthening cooperation
By Ibrahima DIALLO
22 May 2024 / 08:58

Discussions focused on ways of benefiting from Moroccan experience in the merchant marine and rail transport sectors.

On Monday in Rabat, the Minister of Transport and Logistics, Mohamed Abdeljalil, and his Guinean counterpart, Ousmane Gaoual Diallo, renewed their commitment to working closely together to strengthen cooperation in the maritime, rail and air transport sectors.

The two parties also agreed to explore together the investment opportunities available in these fields, according to a press release from the Ministry of Transport and Logistics, issued at the end of their talks held at the department's headquarters.

On this occasion, the two ministers expressed their satisfaction with the exceptional quality of relations between Morocco and Guinea in the field of transport, adds the same source, noting that they underlined their shared desire to further strengthen and deepen bilateral cooperation in this sector.

Discussions focused on ways of benefiting from Moroccan experience in the merchant marine and rail transport sectors, as well as the search for partners to support the creation of a Guinean national airline, "Air Guinée", according to the same source.

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