Security at Egyptian airports to be reinforced by US TSA
By Ibrahima DIALLO
25 May 2024 / 12:28

Using the equipment supplied by the US TSA should help Egyptian airports to meet their security challenges more effectively, and prepare them for the growth prospects of the years ahead.                                                                                        

The US Transportation Security Administration and Egypt have announced a partnership that will see the US government agency supply the North African country with modern airport security equipment.

The United States will also provide the technical support and training needed to improve the safety capabilities of Egypt's civil aviation system.

The operation of this equipment should also help to reduce passenger waiting times and facilitate procedures. The agreements signed also provide for the supply of "support and expertise" required to refurbish terminal 3 at Cairo international airport.

As a result of strong tourist flows, Egyptian airports record the highest passenger traffic on the continent, which explains the constant pressure and recurring security challenges at these hubs. In 2023, Egyptian airports welcomed almost 47 million passengers.

Among other things, these contributions should help the country to cope better with the future constraints that will result from the strong growth forecast for the air transport sector.

Agence Ecofin




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