Morocco positions itself as an industrial leader in Africa
Automotive | Industry | Logistics | SupplyChain | Transport
By Ibrahima DIALLO
26 June 2023 / 08:15

Morocco is establishing itself as an undisputed industry leader in Africa, thanks to its notable successes, said the president of TNP, a management consultancy specializing in operational, digital and regulatory transformations for businesses, at a conference in Casablanca. Morocco ranks second in African industry, just after South Africa.

The expert highlighted the country's remarkable advances in key sectors such as automobiles, aeronautics and phosphates, where Morocco plays a leading role in Africa. In his view, this success is the fruit of the policies pursued by His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the various governments over the past two decades.

Morocco is now accelerating its industrial development by implementing a solid strategy in the field of green energies, notably with photovoltaic panels, wind power and ongoing investments in green hydrogen at Dakhla.

For Mr. Ranini, Morocco offers numerous opportunities for industrial development and for promoting national and pan-African leaders who will make a significant contribution to the continent's industrial expansion. He also underlines the major challenges facing Africa, particularly in terms of energy capacity, highlighting the importance of abundant, affordable and sustainable energy to strengthen industrial ecosystems.

In addition, the training of skilled human resources and the harmonization of regulatory frameworks between countries within free-trade zones are essential elements in supporting this industrial transformation.

Mauritania's former Minister of Economy and Industry, Abdel Aziz Dahi, also highlighted the major reforms undertaken by Morocco in the digital transformation of public administration, offering learning prospects for other countries in the region.

It highlights the opportunities for collaboration and exchange between the countries of the Arab Maghreb to make the most of existing synergies and foster greater integration.

The "Tomorrow's Stories" conference series, initiated in 2015 by TNP, brings together leading African, European and Asian decision-makers each year to debate major issues facing the global economy, such as digital transformation, sustainable development, mobility, financial regulation, supply chain, cybersecurity and data protection.

Omar El Yazidi




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